Dec 23, 2011

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming June 15th, 2010

I love Wyoming!  I can't wait to go back out there.

The small black dot in the middle of this photo is a bear running for cover after a brief experience of tourists making noise and snapping photos of this beauty in nature.

                                                  View of Yellowstone Lake

                              Upper Falls at Yellowstone National Park

                                  Lower Falls at Yellowstone National Park

And of course giving the trees in Yellowstone some love!

Nov 20, 2011

Guanacaste,Costa Rica January 6th,2011

Putting this post in the middle of my "Trip out west" is not like me(I like things in chronological order), but I REALLY loved these photos I took of surfers while staying in Guanacaste.  It is EXTREMELY frustrating that Blogger somehow washes out the color of my images, they are actually more vivid in color outside of this blog =-( 

Nov 5, 2011

Downtown Cody,Wyoming June 14th, 2010

After we arrived in Cody, I decided that I would take a rafting tour down the Shoshone River.  The rafting ride was nice and peaceful and we were able to see some petroglyphs along Red Canyon.  I was very concerned about bringing my cameras so unfortunately I have no pictures of them or the rafting trip.  After the trip and a shower I took a stroll down the streets of Cody. 

Oct 25, 2011

En Route to Cody, Wyoming June 14th, 2010

We left Deadwood, South Dakota early in the morning and headed west passing Sheridan to our destination Cody,Wyoming.  The views were OUTSTANDING.  At this point of the trip I realized there is something very special about Wyoming.