Oct 3, 2011

Denver, Colorado June 11th, 2010

I have always loved the mountains, there is something truly special about them that brings my soul to life! In June of 2010 I has the opportunity to travel out west to 6 states including: Colorado, South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.  Even though I only had a small "glimpse" of these states(and I WILL be back out west again) it only reaffirmed my LOVE for the mountains.  While I took thousands of pictures, I will only give a "sampling" of my favorites.  Enjoy!

Within 40 minutes of touching ground in Denver I decided I would take a tour around Denver and Golden, Colorado.  This first part of the pictures is from the Buffalo Bill Museum in Golden,Colorado, the second part is from Red Rocks Amphitheater.

To give you the exact route we took when I traveled out west with this tour company

The next set of pictures are from Red Rocks Amphitheater

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